
Nextcloud calendar set-up on a Mac desktop

Set-up your Nextcloud calendar on a Mac desktop. Open Nextcloud and open the Calendar app. Scroll down the bottom left click "Settings and Import" for the calendar settings, scroll down to the very bottom link: copy iOS/macOS CalDAV address and copy that. https://* Paste that to a text file [...]

September 8th, 2021|canWork, Nextcloud, Videos|

Nextcloud Calendar: Meeting Invite

Set a meeting with your co-worker and automatically create a talk room Create a meeting in Nextcloud and invite a co-worker with automatic meeting room created in Nextcloud Talk Click on date Give your event a title Hit more: add the time and details Go to details on [...]

November 6th, 2020|canWork, Nextcloud, Videos|

Nextcloud Groupware

Introduction to canWork: Nextcloud Canadian Online Business Tools Nextcloud offers Calendar, Mail, Contacts and more, built in. Work together, share documents, plan video chats and more! Hosted in Canada, on Canadian soil. This video is directly from Nextcloud, and highlights how it covers all your business needs …"Nextcloud [...]

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